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Final assessment of the 6th Environment Action Programme shows progress in environment policy – but with shortfalls in implementation

European Commission - Press release

Brussels, 31 August 2011

Over the past decade the 6th Community Environment Action Programme (EAP) has helped environment legislation to tackle almost all areas of the environment. This is evident from the final assessment of the 6th EAP (2002-2012) adopted today. Major accomplishments in the field of environment during the past ten years have been the extension of the Natura 2000 network to cover almost 18% of the EU's land area, the introduction of a comprehensive chemicals policy, and policy action on climate change. However, there is progress to be made in implementing agreed EU objectives and rules and in improving biodiversity protection, soil and water quality. The decoupling of resource use from economic growth has not led to a decrease in overall resources use.

Commissioner Janez Potočnik comments: "We have obtained good results – but not always as good as we hoped for. Better implementation of EU rules by Member States is needed to close the gap between the 6th EAP's legislative ambitions and its end-results. Our goal now is to move from remediation to prevention of environmental degradation. The final assessment of the Programme will prompt the launch of a wide public debate to define the orientations for EU environment policy over the next years."...

Source: Final assessment of the 6th Environment Action Programme shows progress in environment policy – but with shortfalls in implementation
Author: EU

Date: 2011-08-31


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