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Results of a new study in The Netherlands: 'Meat-eaters are selfish '

m. mieske - pixelio de

'Eating meat brings out the worst in people'

Update 29 November 2011 Studenten eisen openheid onderzoek Roos Vonk

Update 25 November 2011 Studenten mogen niet schrijven over kwestie-Roos Vonk

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25 August 2011

People who eat meat are more selfish, less social and more distant.

At least that's what three professors from Tilburg and Nijmegen report after having conducted several studies about the psychological impact of meat and meat eating. According to the findings carnivores feel superior to others whilst vegetarians and flexitarians are happier and less lonely.

Experiments indicated that insecure people preferred beef to eggs and fish. Another interesting finding is that participants who had looked at a picture of a cow and steak demonstrated a more selfish attitude in multiple choice tests, compared to those having been shown a tree.

The research was done by psychologist Marcel Zeelenberg, consumer scientist Diederik Stapel and psychologist Roos Vonk.

"Carnivores think more in terms of dominance and being the boss. Eating meat is a way to rise up above others, "says Vonk.

As was to be expected, this study has created already a super buzz in the country: Meateaters are not amused!

Source: Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen: Vleeseters zijn egoïstischer en minder sociaal
Author: Div.

Link: HSUS: The Violence Connection
Link: Meat eaters are selfish and less social
Link: The Dangerous Psychology of Factory Farming/A look at the mindset that enables farmers to raise and kill thousands of animals and still consider themselves happy

Date: 2011-11-29


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