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FAO: Influence food security and nutrition governance

New online consultation on food security and nutrition launched

28 July 2011, Rome - The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) has launched a new online consultation on food security and nutrition governance.

The purpose of the consultation is to gather inputs for the preparation of the Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition (GSF), a document being developed to improve coordination and support global, regional and country-led actions to prevent future food crises, eliminate hunger and ensure food security and nutrition for all.

New approach

The CFS has opened the discussion to the general public, providing a significant opportunity for all stakeholders around the world to participate in the global policy debate and ultimately contribute to this important framework.

"It is vital that the Global Strategic Framework for food security and nutrition is based on the reality on the ground, drawing on best practices and lessons learned from local experience and the expert advice and opinions of different stakeholders. Therefore, everybody is invited to express views and opinions on what the priorities of the GSF should be with a view to improve coordination and guide actions towards a more food secure world" said Noel de Luna, CFS Chair.

A dynamic document

Drawing on the advice and expertise of experts and stakeholders, the Global Strategic Framework is meant to add value to other international frameworks for food security and nutrition. Thus, the GFS is designed to be a living document to be updated periodically by the CFS Plenary.

Participate in the consultation

The consultation will be open until 15 October 2011 and the results of the online consultation will be presented at the 37th Session of the CFS in Rome, Italy, in October.

The discussion on the GSF will take place in English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian, and Chinese. Those interested in participating in the consultation can post contributions directly on the web site http://km.fao.org/fsn/cfs/ or send an email to fsn-moderator@fao.org

Source: New online consultation on food security and nutrition launched
Author: FAO

Date: 2011-07-28


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