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Ethiopian Vegan Association Takes Important Strides Forward

by Charlie R Farah

In the earlier version, Emmanuel Eyoh was incorrectly named as a member of the Ethiopian Vegan Association and as holding a position in leadership at the organization.

November 17th , 2010 - Update

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia -- Ethiopia’s Ministry of Justice’s Charities and Societies Agency has awarded the Ethiopian Vegan Association (EVA) status as legal charitable association – a designation equivalent to non-profit and/or non-governmental organizations (NGO) status. Mesfin Haile Mariam heads up the first and only organization in Ethiopia dedicated to servicing the Ethiopian community by “promoting healthy, compassionate and eco-conscious lifestyle of the Vegan lifestyle while setting example of love, compassion, caring, sharing and helping attitudes towards all beings”. The Ethiopian Vegan Association has also been accepted into the International Vegetarian Union, a trans-national body that promotes the adoption of veganism/vegetarianism on a global basis.

To celebrate the launch of their organization and to educate the Ethiopian community about the many benefits of veganism, the Ethiopian Vegan Association will host an event in Addis Ababa on 6 December 2010. The celebration will be open to the public and will host renowned speakers including Keith McHenry, Co-Founder of Food Not Bombs, and Anteneh Roba, MD, President of International Fund for Africa.  EVA plans to work closely with politicians, parliamentarians, university officials, media outlets, civic groups, religious organizations and civil societies to promote the adoption of veganism at all levels of Ethiopian society.

Source: Ethiopian Vegan Association - contact
Author: Charlie R Farah, e-mail charlierose@me.com

Date: 2010-11-16


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For correspondents:
