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Bull-fighting as part of the UNESCO Immaterial World Cultural Heritage?


4 August 2009

For several years the bull-fighting lobby has been working towards the goal of getting bull-fighting declared under the protection of the UNESCO as Immaterial World Cultural Heritage. “Proyecto Tauromaquia de la UNESCO”, the project is called, with which by dubious means they strive to obtain the quality seal of the UNESCO, allowing to freely torture bulls to death in the bull-fighting arenas, without fear of reprimand or objection for practicing one of the worlds cruellest blood sports. Organizations from around the world who support this disastrous project have been working feverishly in order to place a request with the UNESCO for admission into the list of Immaterial Cultural Assets worth protecting.

However, panic is breaking out amongst those in favour of bull-fighting, as voices protesting against the barbarism and cruelty which takes place in the bull-fighting arenas, become louder and more numerous. Those in favour of this animal torture are afraid above all that their sources of income, including national subsidies connected with bull-fighting, could start to be affected. As it stands, the “Tauromachie”, as they prefer to call their blood sport, is a hugely profitable money making machine. In Spain the annual turnover of this bloody industry amounts to roughly 1.5 billion euros with about 70,000 jobs depending on the gruesome pageant.

The bull-fighting lobby, using their sinister influence and political relations, have created a network through which they quietly, step by step, are nearing the realisation of their goal. The most important organizations supporting that bull-fighting be placed under the UNESCO cultural heritage, are:

-Asociacion Internacional de Tauromaquia (AIT)
-Mesa del Toro Asociación Taurina Parlamentaria (ATP)
-Union Latina.

It remains to be seen whether the “Tauromachie” really will be declared as an Immaterial World Cultural Heritage. Still no official request has been placed with the UNESCO. The UNESCO’s next gathering will be on the 31 August, when they will be deciding on new admissions of Immaterial World Cultural assets. It will be a suspenseful time, waiting to see if the bull-fighting lobby indeed makes its official request, and how UNESCO decides concerning the matter.

Source: Stop Corrida
Author: /Translation Karina

Date: 2009-08-05


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