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GMOs: Appeal Committee delivers no opinion on GM maize

28 September 2012

At a GMO Appeal Committee meeting yesterday, Member States failed to take a position on a Commission proposal for the authorisation of GM maize MIR162 for use in food and feed, as well as for import and processing (not for cultivation).

Consequently, the decision now lies with the Commission. In the EU, all GMO products must undergo an authorisation procedure in order to ensure that their placing on the market does not pose a risk for human and animal health and for the environment. MIR162 received a favourable EFSA opinion in June 2012. This GMO is an insect resistant maize. Regarding studies on toxicology, MIR162 has been tested through a 28 day oral toxicity study and a 90-day feeding study of grain from MIR162 in rats. These two studies have not identified adverse effects.

The proposal had already been presented by the Commission to the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health (SCFCAH) on 10 September 2012 where no opinion, either for or against, was returned. As a result of yesterday's inconclusive vote, and in line with new rules introduced by the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, it is now for the Commission to decide on the adoption of this decision.

For more information: http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/biotechnology/index_en.htm

Source: GMOs: Appeal Committee delivers no opinion on GM maize (scroll)
Author: EU

Link: How GMOs Unleashed a Pesticide Gusher
Link: USA: Proposition 37, an important measure for vegetarians

Date: 2012-09-28