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Finland: Animal cruelty on pig farms exposed - the investigators facing prison?

In 2009 a Finnish animal rights organization Oikeutta Eläimille (Justice for Animals) published an investigation into the pig industry. 30 pig farms were filmed and the videos and pictures were shown on national media. The investigation sparked a big debate about how pigs are kept in factory farms and about how we should treat animals.

Pictures of dying and suffering animals living in cramped and filthy conditions caused a public outrage, and many politicians and even the industry condemned the images.

Now, two years later, a court case is coming up in October 2011. However, the authorities did not charge any pig farmers for cruelty to animals. Instead accused are two investigators, who publicly admitted having filmed some of the material...

Source: Animal cruelty on pig farms exposed - the investigators facing prison?
Author: http://www.sikatehtaat.fi/

Link: Activists Face Hefty Damages for Secret Filming
Link: Pig farm activists face damages of 175,000 euros

Date: 2011-10-24