European Vegetarian and Animal News Alliance (EVANA)
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Cruelty has cursed the human family for countless ages.

It is almost impossible for one to be cruel to animals and kind to humans.

If children are permitted to be cruel to their pets and other animals, they easily learn to get the same pleasure from the misery of fellow-humans.

Such tendencies can easily lead to crime.
--->Fred A.McGrand

Source: Cruelty has cursed the human family for countless ages....
Author: quote

Link: Animal Abuse as Clue to Additional Cruelties
Link: Animal Abuse, and How It's Connected to Child Abuse and Intimate Partner Violence
Link: Animal Abusers Will Appear on Sex Offender-Like Registry in N.Y.
Link: Kids cruel to animals, violent as adults
Link: Pet cruelty 'warning sign' of domestic violence

Date: 2011-07-12