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1-2 October 2010 - Belgium

Brussels/EU: 1st International Conference on Animal Welfare Education

The two-days Conference will take place in Brussels on 1-2 October 2010.

During the first day, the speakers will develop different approaches of animal welfare education.

On the second day, several presentation stands (for existing educational programs on animal welfare) will be exhibited, along with a Children Drawing Contest Awards Ceremony.

For the exhibition day, you can find details to apply following this link *)

Around 400 participants from different backgrounds (such as academics, EU officials on education, teachers, veterinarians and NGOs representatives) are expected to attend.

Further information will be soon available on the website of DG SANCO. Also, a dedicated website will be also developed in June, offering supplementary information and the possibility to register as participant.

International Conference on Animal Welfare Education
Organisation Team

European Commission
DG SANCO - Unit D5 Animal Welfare
rue Froissart 101
BE 1040 Brussels

Link: *) Exhibition: 1st International Conference on Animal Welfare Education, 1-2 October, Brussels

Date: 2010-10-01