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Portugal: Exhibiting primates, elephants, lions and tigers in circuses about to end

14 October 2009

Exhibiting animals in circuses is about to end in Portugal, as the government published on the 12th of October a new law prohibiting the purchase of all species of primates, bears, seals, hippopotamuses, penguins, crocodiles, elephants, big cats, sea turtles, some lizards, ostriches, scorpions, serpents, etc. Breeding animals that already live in circuses is also not allowed.

From now on only authorized entities can legally hold certain animal species considered dangerous, and circuses as well as pet stores are not included.

The Ministry of Environment justifies this law as a way to preserve the species and their welfare, as well as the population's safety.

Animals and their existing offspring being already held must be registered within 90 days from the date the law is enforced at the Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e Biodiversidade (Nature and Biodiversity Preservation Institute).

Animal Rights organisations are pleased with these measures.

Source: More information in Portuguese
Author: Renato Pichler

Date: 2009-10-13