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'UTOPIA TODAY - REALITY TOMORROW - A vegetarian world'

A new book published by the European Vegetarian Union

Dear friends,

On behalf of the board of the European Vegetarian Union I have the great pleasure of announcing that the book is now available!

Thirty five authors - nutritionists, medical doctors, authors of bestsellers, founders of important organizations, researchers, IT-specialists, philosophers, sci-fi fans, musicians and talented individuals - generously contributed to this EVU fundraiser project.

The authors come from a variety of countries, cultural backgrounds and religions but they all have one thing in common: the conviction that a more compassionate world is not only possible but inevitable if humanity is to prosper.

The authors share their individual ideas of how tomorrow's vegetarian world will be, whilst looking at a more compassionate future from many different angles. The result is a cocktail of good vibes, light and hopes.

Yes, it is true - vegetarians are still a minority today. But WHAT a minority!! We have become a social group to be reckoned with, also at an international level. What better proof is there than the increasing effort by the food industry to accommodate our preferences? The veggie-market is not booming without good reason!

If you are interested in seeing what people expect from a future vegetarian world, you can order the book from the EVU, Bahnhofstr. 52, CH-9315 Neukirch-Egnach, via Amazon or through a book shop.

Renato Pichler
President of the European Vegetarian Union

Comments and opinions

Congratulations for the book.


-Mit Veröffentlichungen dieser Art kann man sicher Menschen (auch Nichtvegetarier) erreichen, die sich sonst mit dieser Thematik noch nicht befaßt haben. Ich könnten mir vorstellen, dass eine neue Schrift dieser Art so alle zwei Jahre erheblich zur Schließung der bestehenden Wissenslücken beitragen kann. Also weiter so, bzw. regelmäßig den interessierten Leser mit Informationen bedenken...

-Amazon *) Kundenrezension
-Hier geben 35 internationale Vegetarier aus ganz verschiedenen Bereichen wie Ernährungsberater, Ärzte, Vertreter bedeutender Organisationen, Hoffnungen und Ideen für eine vegetarische Zukunft weiter. Geniessen Sie den Ausblick und unterstützen Sie dadurch das lobenswerte Fund-Raiser Projekt der Europäischen Vegetarier-Union!


--Thank you for the information. I am certainly very happy to see that there is such a thing as a European Vegetarian Union. I however believe that the world is increasingly becoming non-vegetarian and the suffering of animals is increasing by the day on a mind-boggling scale. The issues behind all this are several and complex too. Feeding human beings is a serious affair that no country in the world has even started tackling with an integrated, holistic mindset, which I think is absolutely necessary in order to see some of the horrors both among the human and the animal population eliminated.

-- Thanks a lot. While reading the book I felt like a student of secondary class and going through the subject of moral education. My whole family is busy reading the book for the last 40 hours turn by turn. The book can prove to be good companion for frequent travellers. The book will give boost to vegetarianism and love for animals.
How nice it could be if the book becomes a part of education somewhere prescribed by the education board. Credit goes to EVU.

-I'm really happy to hear about the book you mentioned! I'll order it to my book shop immediately! Thank you for the information.

-......We must be on the direction to that place.


-Thank you . Great job !!!!

-That was really a good idea. The book shows that our minority is quite strong - and growing! Let us hope that this book will reach people beyond our own lines, too!

- I got the book - it is really excellent - thank you so much for all your work.

-I got one copy of the book today - thanks - it is *great* - all best wishes and thanks for organizing this important volume.

- Book received ? a very good contribution to vegetarian literature.

-Yes, it is good to have such optimistic material. Let us hope it will be well read.

- This seems like an excellent candidate to use as part of our student outreach programs....This is just excellent.

-Veggie Global

-Ahimsa Times



-Vasudev Murthy

Source: European Vegetarian Union
Author: EVU

Link: Amazon *)
Link: Amazon - German - English version to follow
Link: European Vegetarian Union - more details of the book
Link: Kansas -- a Vegetarian Utopia:The Letters of John Milton Hadley, 1855-1856

Date: 2006-01-20