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6 October 2012 - Australia

National Rally - Ban Live Exports

For all Australians opposed to animal cruelty — this is our day to stand up to live export! Inspiring speakers. Family-friendly.

Why should I attend?

If you care about animals and want to see them protected from cruelty, then this event is for you. Despite assurances from the Australian Government that cruelty in the live export trade would be addressed, animals continue to be neglected, brutalised, have their throats cut while fully conscious, and recently, were buried alive. Tragedy after tragedy reveals that animals exported live will always be at risk. And yet, they continue to be sent. This sends the appalling message to the rest of the world that Australia accepts animal cruelty. The animals are depending on us — we must urgently let politicians know that caring Australians will not vote for political parties that support live export. This is your chance to join with others at a family-friendly event to rally for a kinder future for animals.

What will happen on the day?...

Source: National Rally - Ban Live Exports
Author: Animals Australia

Date: 2012-10-06