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USA: Determined enemies of whales: The Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission

photo Wikipedia 6 June 2012

The AEW states that " Inupiat and Siberian Yupik Eskimos living in the coastal villages in northern and western Alaska have been hunting the bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) for thousands of years."

Wouldn't that be a convincing reason now to give their victims a break after all that time? Do the massacres really have to continue for yet another millennium?

Source: The Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission
Author: AEW

Link: Alaska delegation moves to circumvent International Whaling Commission
Link: Alaska Native Subsistence Whaling Efforts Gets Boost from Alaska's Delegation in Washington
Link: Eskimo whalers seek ATF support to build a more humane bowhead bomb
Link: In northern Alaska, spring whaling season yields estimated 990 tons of bowhead
Link: The Inupiat people are subsistence whale hunters, and Kaktovik has an annual quota of three bowhead whale strikes, set by the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission

Date: 2012-06-06