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8 May 2012 - International

International day of action to close down Green Hill lab beagle breeders and against vivisection

On may the 8th there will be an international day of action against vivisection and for the closure of beagle breeder Green Hill (owned by Marshall Bioresources Inc) with demos in front of Italian embassies and consulates all over the world.

An important day for the Italian and global animal rights movement, after the historic liberation of 30 dogs on April 28th, at the end of a march for the closure of Green Hill.


**What happened on april 28th?
A historic day for the animal rights movement!

During a march with more than 1,000 people, a large group of protesters climbed over the fences and entered the compound of Green Hill, opening the sheds and freeing at least 30 dogs in an open act of liberation. The protesters' cries of happiness and applause as well as the support this action is getting on a national and international level - even in the media - is a milestone for the end of the idea that animals can be used in lab tests.

- Photos:

- Video: http://video.corriere.it/blitz-canile-liberazione-beagle/69e39b50-9157-11e1-9c63-0823a340624b

**Why this day and the demos at Italian embassies?

On May 9th the Italian Commission number 14 of the Senate will vote some amendments to the European Directive on vivisection. The vote will be mostly centered around the ban on breeding dogs, cats and primates and banning all experiments without anesthesia. The Italian movement is working hard for this ban, that would mean the closure of Green Hill, Europe biggest breeder of lab beagles. Vivisectors from all over the world are lobbying the Italian Senators not to have any restriction.

Join this global day of action in front of Italian embassies! All together we can close down Green Hill and get the first ever ban on the breeding of certain species for vivisection, a small step towards biggest changes in the future and the abolition of vivisection.

Join the global day of action and send the details of your demo at:

More infos (in Italian) at:
- http://www.fermaregreenhill.net/
- https://www.facebook.com/controgreenhill

Petition: Green Hill, Montichiari (Italy): Close death factory, free all Beagles and give them out for adoption

Source: International day of action
Author: Contro Green Hill

Link: Italian Embassies
Link: “Salviamo i cani di Green Hill”

Date: 2012-05-08


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