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US schools given choice to avoid ‘pink slime’

16 March 2012

American schools will be able to opt out of serving lean finely textured beef (LFTB) at the beginning of the next school year, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced....

and: ‘Pink slime’ is the tip of the iceberg: Look what else is in industrial meat

Source: US schools given choice to avoid ‘pink slime’
Author: Globalmeatnews

Link: 'Pink Slime' For Lunch: Schools Can Opt Out Of Ammonia-Treated Ground Beef Filler
Link: Beyond Pink Slime
Link: SCARY FOOD - The man who blew the whistle on ‘pink slime’
Link: Some schools planning to drop 'pink slime' meat
Link: USDA's 'pink slime' choice: Kids can have additive or more fat

Date: 2012-03-16