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Live long and be happy

sigrid rossmann  / pixelio.de

Vegetarianism can help!

September 2011

Recent research indicates that happier people live better - and longer.

So the fact that scientists also reported fewer negative mood states in vegetarians than in omnivores adds even more emphasis to the friendly invitation 'GO VEG'!

Source: 'To be healthy, all you have to do is be happy'
Author: div

Link: Michelle Obama's 9 rules for a happy, healthy life
Link: UN discusses Gross National Happiness indicator as successor to Gross Domestic Product
Link: Vegetarian diets are associated with healthy mood states: a cross-sectional study in Seventh Day Adventist adults
Link: Vegetarian the healthy way of eating
Link: Vegetarians Happier Than Meat-Eaters, New Study Finds

Date: 2011-09-12