European Vegetarian and Animal News Alliance (EVANA)
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Vegetarianism - the compassionate step into a better future

An August platter of the latest veg* news:

Celebrity Vegans And Vegetarians... Bill Clinton‘s recent switch from fast-food junkie to vegan delighted animal lovers.... more

USA: Al Gore going veg? All those having been stunned by a Climate-Cassandra refusing to address the meat issue may relax: Now even Al Gore acknowledges the fact that factory farming has a disastrous effect on our climate... more

Eat smart! Your food choices affect the climate... more

Will Tuttle: 'Time to Wake Up'... more

Vegetarian Crowned Germany's Strongest Man... more

Berlin is veggie oasis in meat-loving desert of Germany.... more

USA/University of North Texas: 'Offering an all vegan cafeteria we can better serve our community'... more

BBC: Vegan recipes and information... more

Vegetarians No Longer Have to Miss Out On Yummy Gummies, says Jealous... more


-Hundreds of Dr. Greger's videos for free! -- A year in the making, NutritionFacts.org is a labor of love featuring all of Dr. Greger’s the videos from his past Latest in Clinical Nutrition DVDs split into hundreds of bite-sized topical segments that can be searched and shared. Everything's free...more

-CNN: The Last Heart Attack/ Interview with Bill Clinton and Dr. Esselstyn ... more

-Shaolin Kung Fu (exploding the meat myth) ... more


-e-book: What Do Raw Fooders Eat? .. more

-Dr. Neal Barnard's Program for Reversing Diabetes ... more

Source: Compilation EVANA
Author: div

Link: BUSTED: Top Vegan Nutrition Myths
Link: Guiltless Meat? Scientists Developing Stem Cell Sausage As First Artificial Meat
Link: How The Meat Industry Made The Abuse Into A Business Model
Link: I Don't Eat Animals - Melanie Safka
Link: Shmeat: It's What's for Dinner

Date: 2011-09-04


Veganer Döner in Winterthur
Hier gibt es alles, was Veganer und Umsteiger begehren: vom Vegan-Döner bis zu Yams-Riesengarnelen und bunter Seife im Tortenformat.
Restaurant Abyssinia
Le restaurant a ouvert il y a peu et offre des plats végétaliens à la carte.
Le restaurant a ouvert il y a peu et offre des plats végétaliens à la carte.
Étoiles à la cannelle
Gourmandise de fêtes 100% végétalien.
Noël végétarien
Pensez aux animaux lors de la fête de l’amour
Dr Laurence Froidevaux
Zum Fest der Liebe auch an Tiere denken
Giftstoffe in tierischen Produkten
Das Bundesamt für Gesundheit (BAG) hat einen neuen Bericht zu den Schadstoffen in Lebensmitteln veröffentlicht.
Telomere sind Enden der DNA, welche die Chromosomen in den Zellen schützen. Sie verkürzen sich im Laufe des Alters kontinuierlich. Man kann an ihrer Länge das Alter (oder Krankheitsanfälligkeit) ables
Al Gore
Der Klimaaktivist, der mit seinem Dokumentarfilm "An Inconvenient Truth" über die Folgen des Klimawandels aufmerksam machte, sorgt erneut für Schlagzeilen
Crème courge - marrons
Cadeaux maison de la cuisine automnale

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