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China: Animal rights movement taking off

Oliver Haja - pixelio.de

6 May 2011

BBC correspondent Michael Bristow reports from Peking that in China dogs and cats are enjoying more respect today and are not, as has been the case for so long, only valued as dinner.

An example of this growing consideration can be seen in the recent rescue of about 500 hapless dogs on their way to the butcher. Once news of the liberation got around, a drove of compassionate people arrived with dog food and offers to help. Many of them broke out in tears at the sight of all the suffering and misery the dogs had been put through.

Of course, these dogs are now in safety, but the weekly live dog transports to the butchers are continuing ….! The consumption of dog meat is legal!

Since animal protection laws are non-existent or only just being drafted in the huge country, people with compassion have to get active themselves if they want to help animals. A fast growing number of Chinese are accepting the challenge by doing just that.

Also the very first Asia for Animals conference taking place in June in Chengdu is an impressive sign how things are changing….

--- 天空是极限 ---

Source: Chinese dogs rescued from dinner table
Author: EVANA

Link: China Small Animal Protection Association (CSAPA)
Link: China Small Animal Protection Association (CSAPA)
Link: Now China, Too, Can Prefer Dogs to People.. pet ownership has skyrocketed in recent years

Date: 2011-05-06