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France: A new campaign against ritual slaughter

6 January 2011

The Brigitte Bardot Foundation joined forces with other NGOs in a campaign against ritual slaughter.

More than 2,000 posters with a picture of a cow's head and a text denouncing ritual slaughter will be put up right across France during the coming week.

Brigitte Bardot told AFP: "I can no longer accept that in order to please a god animals have their throats slit like in the Middle Ages without being stunned beforehand, when we have modern methods to prevent animals suffering."

The organisations taking part in the campaign are: Œuvre d’Assistance aux Bêtes d’Abattoirs - Fondation Brigitte Bardot - Fondation Assistance aux Animaux - Protection Mondiale des Animaux de Ferme - Conseil National de la Protection Animale - Société Nationale pour la Défense des Animaux - Confédération Nationale des SPA de France.

EFSA: Due to the serious animal welfare concerns associated with slaughter without stunning, pre-cut stunning should always be performed

Quote: "It is ridiculous to say that we're targeting Muslims or Jews. We conduct this campaign like any other. It is like saying that we target the Spanish when we oppose bullfighting or the Inuit when we oppose seal hunting."
--->Christophe Marie, spokesman Fondation Brigitte Bardot

Source: Bardot rails against Muslim, Jewish animal slaughter
Author: EVANA

Link: Bardot calls for end to animal slaughter
Link: Bardot group campaigns against halal animal slaughter
Link: Brigitte Bardot protests kosher animal slaughter
Link: She says politics disgusts her... now Brigitte Bardot wants to challenge Sarkozy as French president

Date: 2011-01-06


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