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Ethiopian Vegan Association Inaugural Event to Take Place in Addis Ababa

by Charlie R. Farah

5 December 2010

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia -- The Ethiopian Vegan Association (EVA) will host its inaugural event on 9 December at the Global Hotel in Addis Ababa.

The event is intended to raise awareness about veganism within the Ethiopian community and celebrate the launch of Ethiopia's first and only organization dedicated to promoting health, eco-consciousness and compassion through a vegan diet and lifestyle.

The theme will revolve around the benefits of veganism and related topics including the role of livestock-raising on climate change, global warming, public health, sustainable development, and human and animal welfare.

Guests from the international community and the African Union will join Ethiopian officials, politicians, academics, community groups at the celebration. Food producers and processors will also be in attendance. Additional attendees include representatives from the United Nations and the African Union.

Key speakers at the engagement include Keith McHenry, Co-Founder of Food Not Bombs; Anteneh Roba, President and Co-Founder of International Fund for Africa; and Emmanuel Eyoh, African Representative of the International Vegetarian Union.

The launch party is intended to celebrate EVA's newly-acquired status as a non-profit organization and formalize its presence in Ethiopia's cultural, political and organizational landscape.

For more information about the Ethiopian Vegan Association (also known as the Vegan Association-Ethiopia), please visit their Facebook page .

Source: Facebook: Ethiopian Vegan Association (also known as the Vegan Association-Ethiopia)
Author: Facebook

Date: 2010-12-05


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