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New Heart Disease Findings Suggest Meatless Meals Could Cut Health Care Costs

Scientific Review Finds Vegan Diet More Effective than ‘Lean Meat’ Approach in Fight Against America’s Number One Killer; Congress Urged to Take Findings to Heart

8 October 2009

A scientific review in October’s American Journal of Cardiology finds that vegetarian and vegan diets rich in nuts, soy, and fiber cut cholesterol and triglyceride levels more effectively than other dietary approaches commonly used to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, America’s number one killer.

Study co-author Hope Ferdowsian, M.D., M.P.H., says these findings have clear implications for the debate over health care reform....

Source: New Heart Disease Findings Suggest Meatless Meals Could Cut Health Care Costs
Author: PCRM

Date: 2009-10-17