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USA: Who's Hogging Our Antibiotics?

..........Large industrial farming operations, where most of our food animals are raised in the United States, routinely mix human antibiotics with livestock feed.........

June 25, 2009

Anti-drug posters are a mainstay of mass transit systems across the country. But this month Metro riders in Washington, D.C. -- particularly commuters who use the Capitol South and Union Station stops (in close proximity to Capitol Hill) -- are seeing cautionary ads that feature some unusual species of drug abusers: pigs, cows and chickens.

The advertising campaign, produced by the Pew Campaign on Human Health and Industrial Farming, is part of a national effort to ensure antibiotics remain effective by ending their misuse on factory farms......

Source: Who's Hogging Our Antibiotics?
Author: Huffington Post

Link: Animal Agriculture Boosts Antibiotic Resistance
Link: Pork producers reminded of antibiotic withdrawal period

Date: 2009-06-29