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Documentary: 'The Cove'....

.... tells the story of O'Barry's mission to obtain hard evidence of what goes on in Taiji.

With: Richard O'Barry, Louie Psihoyos, Simon Hutchins, Mandy-Rae Cruickshank, Kirk Krack, David Rastovich, Scott Baker.

Eco-activist documentaries don't get much more compelling than "The Cove," an impassioned piece of advocacy filmmaking that follows "Flipper" trainer-turned-marine crusader Richard O'Barry in his efforts to end dolphin slaughter in Taiji, Japan.

Casting a very wide net, this powerful polemic is simultaneously a love letter to a beloved species, an eye-opening primer on worldwide dolphin captivity, a playful paranoid thriller and a work of deep-seated (if sometimes hot-headed) moral outrage. The devastating final images demand to be seen on the bigscreen, though cable exposure won't blunt their impact.

There's deep remorse in O'Barry's voice as he recalls how he caught and trained the five dolphins that played Flipper in the popular 1960s TV show. Since then, he has devoted his life to speaking out against all forms of dolphin captivity, even for educational/entertainment purposes...

Source: The Cove
Author: The Cove

Link: CNN inviews Ric O'Barry
Link: SaveJapanDolphins
Link: trailer

Date: 2009-01-23