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Wake Up Now “Before It Really Is Too Late”

January 2008

The purpose of this presentation is to persuade you to stay completely awake and concentrate while you view the one hour major masterpiece documentary film that millions of people throughout the world will be talking about *real soon* titled:

In your lifetime you will probably never see a more important, more meaningful, or more urgently needed documentary film.

Treat yourself and the ones you love. Devote one quiet undisturbed hour of your life to focus in on this majestic and informative film.

Because the insightful and heart wrenching ancient religious messages supporting the importance of kindness and life for humans, animals, the earth, and the earths atmosphere are so brilliantly and dramatically presented, you will be spellbound and inspired like never before.

Your family, especially your children, as well as your friends, will never forget the day they watched *A Sacred Duty* because of your recommendation.

A deeply moving and penetrating film that now, for the first time, explains and reveals the real truth about the most important steps that must be implemented immediately, if life on earth is really going to be sustained and preserved.

You will be fascinated and engrossed by the riveting, penetrating, and convincing ancient religious messages.

The most important, dramatic, entertaining and meaningful multidimensional messages you may ever see or hear again, in one film, in your lifetime, are now within your immediate grasp.

All you need to do is visit one or both of the following web sites. You do not have to be a member or sign on to view the film.

Copy and paste the web site addresses below for a direct connection to the broadcast or visit (YouTube ) or (Blip.TV ) and type in the words, A Sacred Duty.

*Widen the broadcast screen* to the size of your computer screen, and then sit back and watch this entire incredible one hour film. You will be very happy you did.

Boldly and convincingly, this amazing, one of a kind film, will break through many age old religious barriers created by unawareness, uniting many religious leaders throughout the world, for the common goal of nurturing and protecting the earth, and all the creatures that dwell here.

You will never forget this wonderful, inspiring one hour film!

Bravo!! A Sacred Duty.

For the sake of all humans, all animals, the earth, and the earth's atmosphere.

Arthur Poletti – Author—
Western Springs, Illinois

“One of the great tragedies of history is that so many people fail to remain awake through great periods of social change.”
The Reverend, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Source: Arthur Poletti – Author - contact

Link: Blip.TV
Link: YouTube

Date: 2008-01-21