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USA: Bush: Let them eat beef

Rice is nice, but President Bush has this question about U.S. exports to China: Where’s the beef?

May 24, 2007

There are a lot of complicating factors in that nagging $233 billion trade deficit that the U.S. is running with China -- not the least of which is China’s inflated currency. But the imbalance of trade itself is central to the problem.

“There's a lot of areas we're working together, and there's areas where there's friction,’’ Bush said at a Rose Garden press conference today. “We've just got to work through the friction.

“One area where I've been disappointed is beef,’’ Bush said of the Chinese. “They need to be eating U.S. beef. It's good for them. They'll like it.’’...

Source: Bush: Let them eat beef

Link: Chinese say U.S. shares blame in food scandal
Link: Companies in U.S. Increase Testing of Chinese Goods
Link: U.S. on mad cow: Don't test all cattle

Date: 2007-05-28